July 24, 2013


It was 2007, Melissa and I had just finished watching the graduating class of Bluffton University walk across the stage. We gave our hugs, our congratulations and ran across the football field to a car on its way to Florida.

I was working hard to get over a relationship that was foolish, in-genuine and impossible. I clung to false hopes and unrealistic dreams of a future with this "dud" of a guy.

Meanwhile Matt hovered in the background as a dear friend; a best friend.

As Mel and I traveled to Florida, my time was spent laughing with her and texting Matt. Matt and I were only friends at this time, but things were surely beginning to develop. About halfway through the week, and after a gazillion text messages between him and I, he tells me that he has extra flights from a previously cancelled trip and he was joining us in Florida.

Matt flew down to Florida to see me. A "me" that still did not know that Matt was "the one". A "me" that fought those feelings for another year. A "me" that was secretly so happy and blown away by the devotion of a true friend. A friend that knew I was "the one" far before I ever did, and a true friend that patiently pursued me while I took the time to figure it all out.

Today Matt and I celebrate three years of marriage. Though we've been friends for nearly ten years, it's these past three years that have taught me just how important relationship is. Relationship so deep and so real. A genuine love, a sometimes messy and raw love, but a true love; a true and honest love that keeps these bones of mine living a life of pure joy and thankfulness in the gift I was given.

Happy Anniversary Matt! No words will ever execute the way this heart feels for you.

Relive my wedding day with me? Check it out here: WEDDING DAY! 

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