December 5, 2012

Spot On

I'm here to share some good news!

Well in my world anyway.

So I've mentioned here before, but I'll summarize again why I live in Athens, Ohio: I am a graduate student at Ohio University in a programmed called College Student Personnel. I will be a future Student Affairs professional (these are the friendly people who make college extra enjoyable ;). Through my master's program I also have to work as a graduate assistant (this gives us future professionals very practical experience in the world of higher education). I currently hold an assistantship working with students who are in recovery from substance abuse. I really enjoy my job, I love the students I work with and I'm very passionate about health and education on college campuses, so this has been a great fit for me.

Recently, however, I've really started to think about my future and what I hope to do when I graduate with my masters. Matt is graduating in May with the same degree, so it's pretty obvious that we will always be living near a college. Though I love health promotion, the truth is... there is not a ton of jobs on campuses for such a thing, especially at small private schools where Matt and I hope to work.

So I had a breif freak out a couple weeks ago. Wondering if this practical experience I am getting from working with studetns in recovery was really a good idea for my resume?

Sometimes I hate thinking in "practical" ways--it takes the fun out of everything.

But after some soul searching and long conversations with my hubby and my mom... I opted to interview for a new assistantship for next school year.

Not sure why, but this was a scary decision, but I also knew if felt right.

I interviewed with an office on campus called the Allen Student Help Center. This office offers academic advising and coaching to students, it also helps reinstated students get back on track academically. Additionally, this position holds teaching responsibilites for first year students.
I loved the idea of working with students more, helping in their decision making process and supporting them in their academic career. So I went into this interview as confidently as I could...

and guess what?

I got it.

Ya' know... for some reason I find myself taking a very 'underdog' mentatlity. Maybe it's my lack of confidence or my inability to believe that I may infact be good at something, but whatever it is, I was extremely excited and flattered to be offered a new position next year.

So there's my good news.

Good things are happening and I truly am blessed to have this opportunity. Not only to gain more experience in a new position on campus, but just simply for being here at school. I'm in grad school... and sometimes that's hard to believe at times. I'm here, I'm really "doing this" and... I'm loving it!

God's plan, once again, is spot on.


  1. Spot in is right. So glad you found my blog, girl. You are from Ohio?!! I live in Cincinnati!! I've never been to Athens though.

    Congrats congrats congrats on your new job! You rock!

  2. Congrats girl! I am the same way as you in taking the "underdog" mentality. Why do we do that to ourselves? I live in Ohio too by the way. :)

  3. Go you! So happy for you!

  4. That last line, soooo true. Always humbling:-) xoxo
