January 15, 2014

My Last Semester

The last semester of my graduate program started on Monday. I'm almost done.

I won't lie, getting back into school after completing my seminar paper last semester and then enjoying winter break, has been really hard. I feel a lot of hurdles have been jumped, and I should be cruising to the finish line, but the truth is... I still have one semester left. One semester with four classes, lots of papers and projects and a busy and full assistantship.... the finish line still looks a ways off.

I'm also suppose to be doing this job hunting thing. Ya know, the thing that comes after you graduate. A thing that provides income and utilizes the knowledge gained from grad school...I have a feeling finding a job might be the greatest challenge yet.

So I'm approaching another four months of craziness... and then the stress of finding a job. So much uncertainty and yet so much excited for the unknown.

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