February 3, 2013

Long time Gone

It's been a long time since I've been in blog land. And I miss it. I'm probably the busiest I have ever been in my entire life. We are always on the go. Hardly ever home. Hardly ever eating a meal together...

hardly doing much more than working, going to classes and reading for class. Yep. That's my life now.

However there are so many things I have wanted to share on my blog, but I just don't have the time. So in a matter of 16 pictures I am going to recap the last month.... maybe even longer, since I know I will never get around to actually writing full posts about things like Christmas.

I never got around to tell you about our Christmas with family and particularly my adorable nephews:

Or how amazing it is to watch your husband play Legos with your nephews.

Or how in early January we made a trip to our undergrad college just to visit and to see some amazing friends:

Nor did I get to write about the first place Matt and I ever met at Bluffton. And here we are right in this exact spot nearly 10 years later!

Or the picture with my bestest roomie in front of our first home together.

Nor have I told you about the time Matt met Bob Saget.

Or how I have two manly gorilla bookends in my living room these days.

Or how Matt and I went out on a date night with friends looking pretty sharp, if I do say so myself.

Or how I got a new flash!

Or how I spent this past weekend in Columbus as my first professional conference for Student Affairs!

And how I got to see one of my best friends while in Columbus for the conference.

See all those things I wanted to write about? All of these things deserved more than a one liner, but now I feel much better knowing I've documented some pretty important things to me :)

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