October 30, 2012

Rest Time

Going home was wonderful! You know, I didn't take one text book or assignment home with me for the mere fact that I did not want to do anything school related. I needed a chance to fill up my energy tank and that's just what I did.

I started working on a quilt back in the spring. With a super busy summer I never found the time to work on it. But this trip home seemed to be the perfect time to hop back on that sewing machine and finish up sewing the blocks.

This is not a complicated quilt, which is perfect because I am no pro. I'm sure actual sewing pros would look at my quilt and laugh, but ya know what... I'm loving it and look very forward to the finished product. My mom is an avid quilter and quite phenomenal at it, so I have thoroughly enjoyed having her teach me.

I'm even already imagining my 'someday baby' laying and playing on this quilt... (babies on the brain)

My next step is to sash out the rest of the quilt. I found some antique lace at an antique shop back in the spring and decided it would make the perfect frame for the quilt. So with my mama's help the quilt should come together soon!

And once we arrived back at school my new glasses from coastal.com had arrived! I was pretty excited and then thrilled to discover that they don't look all that bad on my face. :)